up to 400 kW


for professionals

The strenghts
of our solution
maintenance assurée par Brunet, filiale du Groupe Ortec, pour un taux de disponibilité de 98%.

Growing national network

Oreve’s network of charging stations aims to cover the entire national territory, offering a reinforced local service to companies. That is why our stations are deployed in industrial areas and business parks close to Low Emission Zones. As a subsidiary of the Ortec Group, the Oreve network is supported by a dense regional network of the Group to install its stations close to its branches. The aim is to help companies make the transition to electric mobility by providing them with a suitable, safe, reliable, and high-performance infrastructure.
A low-emission zone, or LEZ, is an area comprising roads where the most polluting vehicles are restricted to a specific route, as defined by the local authority. The aim is to reduce emissions of atmospheric pollutants and improve local air quality to reduce the impact of pollution on the health of residents and other users (students, workers, etc.) affected by the LEZ.
As of 1 January 2023, there are 11 LEZ in continental France: The Euro metropolis of Strasbourg; Grand Lyon Metropolis; Grand Reims Urban Community; Grenoble-Alpes-Metropolis; Grand Paris Metropolis; Rouen-Normandie Metropolis; Metropolis of Aix-Marseille and Provence; Nice Côte d’Azur Metropolis; Montpellier-Mediterranean Metropolis ; Saint-Etienne Metropolis and Toulouse Metropolis.
The deployment of LEZs continues to grow, with 32 additional conurbations planned by 2030.
Au 1er janvier 2023, il existe 11 ZFE en France métropolitaine : Eurométropole de Strasbourg Grand Lyon Métropole Grand Reims Communauté Urbaine Grenoble-Alpes-Métropole Métropole du Grand Paris Métropole de Rouen-Normandie Métropole Aix-Marseille Provence Métropole Nice Côte d’Azur Montpellier-Méditerranée Métropole Saint-Etienne Métropole Toulouse Métropole.
Le déploiement des ZFE s’accélère, avec notamment 32 agglomérations supplémentaires prévues à horizon 2030.
To facilitate the use of charging stations, Oreve provides its customers with a free application that allows access to an ecosystem of useful services: geolocation of Oreve stations, integration into user routes, reservation of stations to limit waiting time, subscription, etc.
Oreve stations can accommodate all vehicle categories, from saloon cars to commercial vehicles and heavy-duty trucks (up to 26 tons).
Aimed at both professional and private users, our stations include a special area for charging heavy-duty trucks up to 26 tons (through or reversing), to ensure the safety and peace of mind of every user.
Safety, a fundamental value of the Ortec Group, also applies to all its subsidiaries, and Oreve is no exception. Intended for both professionals and individuals, our stations have an area reserved for heavy-duty trucks’ charging operations. The aim is to ensure that all users can charge their vehicles in complete safety.